Our MissionTo ensure that each child’s experience is individualized and specific to their needs. THERAkids ServicesContact
Speech Therapy StaffSpeech/Language Pathologists
Kelly Carroll, SLP kcarroll@therakids.org Paige Cianciolo, SLP pcianciolo@therakids.org Kim Day, SLP kday@therakids.org Lauren Del Gaiso, SLP ldelgaiso@therakids.org Natalie Duewer, SLP nduewer@therakids.org Lori Ford, SLP Lford@therakids.org Melissa Hardy, SLP mhardy@therakids.org Elizabeth Hippen, SLP ehippen@therakids.org Megan Johnston, SLP mjohnston Sheri Joseph, SLP Sjoseph@therakids.org Elisa Lapson, SLP elapson@therakids.org Megan Largent, SLP mlargent@therakids.org Cathy Luebbe, SLP cluebbe@therakids.org Nicole Luitjohan, SLP nluitjohan@therakids.org Elizabeth (Lyssa) Mascote, SLP Emascote@therakids.org Jennifer Myslinski, SLP jmyslinski@therakids.org Chelsi Owens, SLP cowens@therakids.org Kerry Rohman, SLP krohman@therakids.org Jennifer Shaffer, SLP jshaffer@therakids.org Terri Thomas, SLP Tthomas@therakids.org Sarah Vogt, SLP svogt@therakids.org |