Our MissionTo ensure that each child’s experience is individualized and specific to their needs. THERAkids ServicesContact
Occupational Therapy StaffOccupational Therapists
Traci Hartrich, OTR thartrich@therakids.org Anup Vidyarthy, OTR avidyarthy@therakids.org Kathy Wassink, OTR kwassink@therakids.org Carol Babcock, OTR cbabcock@therakids.org Mary Birchenough, OTR mbirchenough@therakids.org Jenna Brooks, OTR jbrooks@therakids.org Leah Bunting, OTR Lbunting@therakids.org Andi Davis, OTR adavis@therakids.org Kristen Grady, OTR kgrady@therakids.org Carol Grapperhaus, OTR cgrapperhaus@therakids.org Amy Griffith, OTR agriffith@therakids.org Jackie Hay, OTR Jhay@therakids.org Jennifer McDonald, OTR jmcdonald@therakids.org Avery Pacella, OTR apacella@therakids.org Sarah Rhoads, OTR srhoads@therakids.org Marissa Wenos, OTR mwenos@therakids.org Clarissa Whitaker, OTR Cwhitaker@therakids.org Katie Whitworth, OTR kwhitworth@therakids.org Occupational Therapy Assistants
Christopher Judd, COTA cjudd@therakids.org Ashley Blankenship, COTA Ablankenship@therakids.org Rachael Brown, COTA rbrown@therakids.org Kyleigh Carmean, COTA kcarmean@therakids.org Katherine Cook, COTA kcook@therakids.org Jennifer Courtoise, COTA jcourtoise@therakids.org Chanel Deshotel, COTA cdeshotel@therakids.org Maria Dodge, COTA mdodge@therakids.org Sheley Doerr, COTA sdoerr@therakids.org Samantha Doolin, COTA sdoolin@therakids.org Annie Dorgan, COTA adorgan@therakids.org Joy Ferry, COTA Jferry@therakids.org Kelsey Foor, COTA kfoor@therakids.org Melissa Geninatti, COTA mgeninatti@therakids.org Lily Greer, COTA lgreer@therakids.org Emily Hayes, COTA ehayes@therakids.org Courtnee Heineman, COTA cheineman@therakids.org Whitney Horrell, COTA whorrell@therakids.org Lacey Huffman, COTA lhuffman@therakids.org Nakiyah Jackson, COTA Njackson@therakids.org Tricia Jones, COTA tjones@therakids.org Amy Jones, COTA ajones@therakids.org Lauren Kibler, COTA lkibler@therakids.org Kim Kitowski, COTA kkitowski@therakids.org Bret Lopes, COTA blopes@therakids.org Madison Lush, COTA mlush@therakids.org Madeline McDevitt, COTA mmcdevitt@therakids.org Denise McDonald, COTA dmcdonald@therakids.org Courtney Miller, COTA cmiller@therakids.org Katrina Moore, COTA kbrown@therakids.org Raquel Nunn, COTA rnunn@therakids.org Diana Patterson, COTA dpatterson@therakids.org Amy Paul, COTA apaul@therakids.org Amie Schneider, COTA aschneider Abby Schuhardt, COTA aschuhardt@therakids.org Amanda Settles, COTA asettles@therakids.org Ramona Shevlin, COTA rshevlin@therakids.org Kaye Snyder, COTA ksnyder@therakids.org Jennifer Stark, COTA jstark@therakids.org Jamie Turner, COTA jturner@therakids.org Angela Watts, COTA awatts@therakids.org Victoria Welch, COTA vwelch@therakids.org Patty Whitworth, COTA pwhitworth@therakids.org Andrea Woods, COTA awoods@therakids.org Shana Wright, COTA swright@therakids.org Amanda Yates, COTA ayates@therakids.org |