Physical Therapy
Physical therapy addresses the ability and quality of motor skills or large motor activities related to movement.
Our physical therapists specialize in working with children from birth to 21 years of age. Therapy is incorporated into play utilizing such toys as therapy balls, riding toys, various swings, balance beams and other tools to improve strength, balance and coordination. Physical therapists focus on movement dysfunctions and help children learn how to move independently or with assistive devices including walkers, wheelchairs or crutches.
Physical therapists help develop skills in the following areas:
• Gross Motor Development
• Muscle Tone and Strength
• Posture/Postural Control
• Pre-gait and Gait Training
• Locomotion Patterns
• Neuromuscular Functions
• Endurance
• Wheelchair Positioning
• Bracing/Orthotics
• Adaptations, Seating, and Positioning