Our MissionTo ensure that each child’s experience is individualized and specific to their needs. THERAkids ServicesContact
Physical Therapy StaffPhysical Therapists (PT)
Carrie Downs, PT cdowns@therakids.org Kelli Evans, PT kevans@therakids.org Jane Goeken, PT Jgoeken@therakids.org Dawn Harris, PT dharris@therakids.org Sarah Kietzman, PT skietzman@therakids.org Michele Loesche, PT mloesche@therakids.org Deanne Perry, PT Dperry@therakids.org Angela Wuebbels, PT awuebbels@therakids.org Physical Therapists Assistants
Jill Barker, PTA jbarker@therakids.org Tiffany Cooper, PTA tcooper@therakids.org Tommi Heim, PTA theim@therakids.org Lauren Hirner, PTA Lhirner@therakids.org Megan Lilley, PTA mlilley@therakids.org Terea Linnemann, PTA tlinnemann@therakids.org Nicole Olson, PTA nolson@therakids.org Mitzi Rankin, PTA mrankin@therakids.org Crystal Tarin, PTA ctarin@therakids.org Michelle Vetter, PTA mvetter@therakids.org |